Sunday, September 11, 2005 w HAZLETON w 5K RUN AND 2 MILE FUN WALK Submitted by: Steve Mardyniak |
If your name is incorrect, please do not hesitate to .email me with the correction.
It will be corrected ASAP.
RUNNER'S NAME TIME AGE 1. Kurtis Grohowski 17:48 29 M 2. Dave Horvath 19:05 52 M 3. Gary Clemson 19:13 37 M 4. Ken Monks Sr. 19:34 47 M 5. Mike Rawls 19:46 47 M 6. Bruce Schreiber 20:00 39 M 7. Kenneth M. Monks 20:09 20 M 8. Mike Brandtmeir 20:10 43 M 9. Randy Marchetti 20:12 32 M 10. Joe Skweirz 20:14 49 M 11. Nick Miskar 20:34 26 M 12. Roland Gensel 20:45 55 M 13. Jeff Marsh 20:56 26 M 14. Mark Scarcella 21:05 16 M 15. Ken Bugda 21:12 38 M 16. John Hrycyna 21:13 49 M 17. Daniel O'Donnell 21:14 36 M 18. Mike Lisnock 21:31 57 M 19. Gerard O'Grodnick 21:48 22 M 20. Aaron Chapin 21:50 34 M 21. Mike DeMarco 22:01 16 M 22. Aaron Finke 22:04 28 M 23. Dr. Mike Palermo 22:08 44 M 24. Ben Dillman 22:18 39 M 25. Brian Serfass 22:22 26 M 26. Keenan Monks 22:30 12 M 27. Michael Conway 22:37 50 M 28. Gina Monks 22:53 44 F 29. Gerry Donadi 23:03 26 M 30. Mike Fegley 23:10 30 M 31. Tom Andrasi 23:17 44 M 32. Rachael Carr 23:24 14 F 33. Charlene Caffrey 23:29 37 F 34. Joe Veet 23:39 32 M 35. Dino Oberto 23:39 46 M 36. Bill Messerschmidt 23:46 61 M 37. William Wagner 23:49 34 M 38. Darlene Banta 23:55 22 F 39. Annette Carlyon 24:11 47 F 40. Dan McBrearty 24:16 25 M 41. Maria Caldwell 24:22 37 F 42. Laura Bonin 24:31 21 F 43. Gloria Rawls 24:32 48 F 44. Megan Kennedy 24:34 34 F 45. Joe Whalen 24:57 35 M 46. Shane Drum 24:38 21 M 47. Al Swinnick 24:38 75 M 48. Scott Campbell 24:42 34 M 49. Joshua Salvisburg 24:45 13 M 50. Mike Fay 24:49 69 M 51. Dave Sabatus 24:51 35 M 52. Wendy Balko 24:53 15 F 53. Carmella DiPippa 24:54 51 F 54. Jennifer Sloot 25:15 50 F 55. Jason Seiwell 25:21 37 M 56. Sharon Davies 25:22 52 F 57. Jeff Cox 25:25 40 M 58. Sarah Leskosky 25:26 24 F 59. Dale Kline 25:32 61 M 60. Ron Rawls 25:36 56 M 61. Nina Aniskevich 25:41 22 F 62. Marisa Lagana 25:48 15 F 63. Liz Tolan 25:51 42 F 64. Madison Monaco 25:54 11 F 65. Suzanne McGeehan 25:55 45 F 66. Janie Edwards 25:58 49 F 67. Wendy Oresick 25:59 27 F 68. Wanda Schreiber 25:59 38 F 69. Scott Klesh 26:06 35 M 70. Chris Belleman 26:22 51 M 71. Pamela Ohl 26:25 35 F 72. Julie Piskorick 26:30 37 F 73. Bob Vaber 26:33 67 M 74. Coady Skelley 26:37 41 F 75. Jerry Pierotti 26:45 56 M 76. Stephane Cloud 26:59 33 M 77. James Perry 27:16 24 M 78. Maureen McTague 27:21 52 F 79. Lex Sloot 27:23 56 M 80. Arvind Srinivasan 27:29 39 M 81. James Perry Sr. 27:30 48 M 82. Ann Lagowy 27:38 29 F 83. Liz Fay 27:41 49 F 84. Joseph Resetar 27:48 62 M 85. Gretchen Deffley 27:58 38 F 86. Stephen Wolk 28:00 54 M 87. Bonnie Migliosi 28:09 40 F 88. Chrissy Sheaman 28:22 23 F 89. Rev. John McHale 28:29 64 M 90. Tom Lincalis 28:30 39 M 91. Lisa Wolk 28:33 40 F 92. Richard Harris 28:34 46 M 93. Kenata O'Donnell 28:39 11 F 94. Neil O'Donnell 28:39 44 M 95. Cindy Latton 29:03 45 F 96. Denise Borneisen 29:09 36 F 97. Christine Parlatore 29:11 44 F 98. Monica Chulock 29:14 44 F 99. Mitchell O'Donnell 29:36 9 M 100. Paul Salvisburg 31:00 47 M 101. Kum Ye Tarapchak 31:21 71 F 102. Dianne French 31:58 60 F 103. Gina Whalen 32:11 35 F 104. Jim Hyssong 32:26 57 M 105. Amanda Hrycyra 32:29 25 F 106. Jack Quinn 32:57 45 M 107. Debbie Braskey 33:30 46 F 108. Lauren Shea 33:58 36 F 109. Amy Figard 34:47 23 F 110. Allison Leonard 35:11 32 F 111. Sally Pancheri 35:40 48 F 112. Gillian Malloy 36:57 14 F 113. Michael Greco 36:57 40 M 114. Tiffany Cloud 43:22 36 F PLACE BY FINISH- 2 MILE WALK
WALKER'S NAME TIME 1. James Hopper 22:21 2. Terry Dougherty 23:08 3. Neil Donahue 24:59 4. Eileen Cook 25:20 5. Ann Maria Rojas 26:11 6. Denise Perkins 26:26 7. Bill Montz 26:50 8. Jack Heycock 26:50 9. Emily Malone 27:25 10.Megan Malone 28:01 11.#47 28:03 12.Linda Farley 29:11 13.Terry Boyle 29:15 14.Tamara Huey 29:16 15.Shanell Gould 29:18 16.Cheri Seaman 29:19 17.Denise Dolon 29:19 18.Alison McAlarney 30:05 19.Terri Rock 30:05 20.Denise Potash 30:07 21.Maria Trujillo 30:13 22.Mary Malone 30:38 23.J. Kirna 30:40 24.#49 31:01 25.Megan Kistler 31:16 26.Denise Perry 31:42 27.Renee Alshofski 31:44 28.Barbara Moose 32:06 29.Travis Moose 32:32 30.Nery Robalino 32:32 31.Mirelly Robalino 32:46 32.Franklin Robalino 33:23 33.Edu Robalino 33:24 34.Jennifer Fetzer 33:30 35.Rebecca Fetzer 33:30 36.Kurtis Fetzer 33:32 37.Christine Cabell 33:32 38.Jennifer Young 34:41 39.James Young 34:41 40.Jessica French 34:42 41.April Talanca 35:00 42.#84 35:36 43.Anne Chulock 35:37 44.Theresa Alshofski 35:38 45.Stacie Sando 36:15 46.Mary Stiles 36:15 47.Mary Jane Swankoski 36:26 AGE GROUP WINNERS
MALE RUNNER'S NAME TIME PLACE AGE GROUP Kurtis Grohowski 17:47 1st Overall Keenan Monks 22:30 1st U-15 Josh Salvisburg 24:45 2nd U-15 Mitchell O'Donnell 29:36 3rd U-15 Mark Scarcella 21:05 1st 16-19 Mike DeMarco 22:01 2nd 16-19 Ken M. Monks 20:09 1st 20-24 Gerard O'Grodnick 21:48 2nd 20-24 Shane Drum 24:38 3rd 20-24 Nick Miskar 20:34 1st 25-29 Jeff Marsh 20:56 2nd 25-29 Aaron Finke 22:04 3rd 25-29 Randy Marchetti 20:12 1st 30-34 Aaron Chapin 21:50 2nd 30-34 Mike Fegley 23:10 3rd 30-34 Gary Clemson 19:13 1st 35-39 Bruce Schreiber 20:00 2nd 35-39 Ken Bugda 21:12 3rd 35-39 Mike Brandtmeir 20:10 1st 40-44 Dr. Mike Palermo 22:08 2nd 40-44 Tom Andrasi 23:17 3rd 40-44 Ken G. Monks 19:34 1st 45-49 Mike Rawls 19:46 2nd 45-49 Joe Skweirz 20:14 3rd 45-49 Dave Horvath 19:05 1st 50-54 Mike Conway 22:37 2nd 50-54 Chris Belleman 26:22 3rd 50-54 Roland Gensel 20:45 1st 55-59 Mike Lisnock 21:31 2nd 55-59 Ron Rawls 25:36 3rd 55-59 Bill Messerschmidt 23:46 1st 60-64 Dale Kline 25:32 2nd 60-64 Joe Resetar 27:48 3rd 60-64 Mike Fay 24:49 1st 65-69 Bob Vaber 26:33 2nd 65-69 Al Swinnick 24:38 1st 70+ FEMALE RUNNER'S NAME TIME PLACE AGE GROUP Gina Monks 22:53 1st Overall Rachael Carr 23:24 1st U-15 Wendy Balko 24:53 2nd U-15 Marisa Lagana 25:48 3rd U-15 No Competitors 16-19 Darlene Banta 23:55 1st 20-24 Laura Bonin 24:31 2nd 20-24 Sarah Leskosky 25:26 3rd 20-24 Wendy Oresick 25:59 1st 25-29 Ann Lagowy 27:38 2nd 25-29 Amanda Hrycyna 32:29 3rd 25-29 Megan Kennedy 24:34 1st 30-34 Allison Leonard 35:11 2nd 30-34 Cherlene Caffrey 23:29 1st 35-39 Maria Caldwell 24:22 2nd 35-39 Wanda Schreiber 25:59 3rd 35-39 Liz Tolan 25:51 1st 40-44 Coady Skelley 26:37 2nd 40-44 Bonnie Migliosi 28:09 3rd 40-44 Annette Carlyon 24:11 1st 45-49 Gloria Rawls 24:32 2nd 45-49 Suzanne McGeehan 25:55 3rd 45-49 Carmella DiPippa 24:54 1st 50-54 Jennifer Sloot 25:15 2nd 50-54 Sharon Davies 25:22 3rd 50-54 No Competitors 55-59 Diane French 31:58 1st 60-64 Kum Ye Tarapchak 31:21 1st 65+ TWO MILE FITNESS WALK Male James R. Hopper 22:21 1st Terry Dougherty 23:08 2nd Neil Donahue 24:59 3rd Female Eileen Cook 25:20 1st Ann Maria Rojas 26:11 2nd Denise Perkins 26:26 3rd |