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Saturday, July 15, 2006   w   HONESDALE   w   5k RUN, FIT WALK, 1 MILE RUN, 1/4 KIDS FUN RUN
RACE DIRECTOR: Jerry Theobald
SUBMITTED BY: Jonathan R. Loiselle and Dave Kennedy


If your name is incorrect or have any corrections/questions, please do not hesitate to . email me with the correction.   It will be corrected ASAP.



Name Age Place by
Age Group
Place by


    1 Dan Dragwa 35-39 1 of 12 m 1 of 79 16:45 5:23
    2 Paul Leonard 40-44 1 of 6 m 2 of 79 17:04 5:29
    3 Max Straneva 13-15 1 of 9 m 3 of 79 17:48 5:43
    4 Martin Seybold 40-44 2 of 6 m 4 of 79 17:50 5:44
    5 Daniel Kucz 19-24 1 of 5 m 5 of 79 17:53 5:45
    6 Jonathan Wallace 19-24 2 of 5 m 6 of 79 18:35 5:58
    7 Brian Krick 35-39 2 of 12 m 7 of 79 18:38 5:59
    8 Lindesy Pender 19-24 1 of 4 f 1 of 36 18:43 6:01
    9 Amy Rome 30-39 1 of 6 f 2 of 36 18:47 6:02
    10 Ben Farrell 16-18 1 of 16 m 8 of 79 19:15 6:11
    11 Christopher Meszler 13-15 2 of 9 m 9 of 79 19:21 6:13
    12 Tim Shean 45-49 1 of 8 m 10 of 79 19:22 6:14
    13 Paul O'Hora 35-39 3 of 12 m 11 of 79 19:29 6:16
    14 Paul Fahey 35-39 4 of 12 m 12 of 79 19:35 6:18
    15 Jason Kennedy 25-29 1 of 4 m 13 of 79 19:42 6:20
    16 Kourtney Brussell 13-15 1 of 11 f 3 of 36 19:43 6:20
    17 Eric Anderson 45-49 2 of 8 m 14 of 79 19:48 6:22
    18 Frank Healey 35-39 5 of 12 m 15 of 79 20:05 6:27
    19 Ken Lohmeyer 50-54 1 of 6 m 16 of 79 20:06 6:28
    20 Tiffany Leventhal 19-24 2 of 4 f 4 of 36 20:07 6:28
    21 Robert Cook 45-49 3 of 8 m 17 of 79 20:15 6:31
    22 Jay Sochoka 30-34 1 of 6 m 18 of 79 20:19 6:32
    23 Andreas Petrou 16-18 2 of 16 m 19 of 79 20:19 6:32
    24 Jim Cook 40-44 3 of 6 m 20 of 79 20:23 6:33
    25 Morgan Sotiaux 16-18 3 of 16 m 21 of 79 20:26 6:34
    26 Ed Lipski 50-54 2 of 6 m 22 of 79 20:27 6:34
    27 Mark Dorish 45-49 4 of 8 m 23 of 79 20:43 6:40
    28 Jeffrey Ginsberg 40-44 4 of 6 m 24 of 79 20:49 6:42
    29 Jim Manganello 35-39 6 of 12 m 25 of 79 20:51 6:42
    30 David Kennedy 25-29 2 of 4 m 26 of 79 20:52 6:42
    31 Jonathan Loiselle 35-39 7 of 12 m 27 of 79 20:56 6:44
    32 Thomas Stack 45-49 5 of 8 m 28 of 79 20:57 6:44
    33 Alex Meramo 16-18 4 of 16 m 29 of 79 21:09 6:48
    34 Tom Smith 30-34 2 of 6 m 30 of 79 21:10 6:48
    35 Douglas Kennedy 19-24 3 of 5 m 31 of 79 21:18 6:51
    36 Kevin Bandru 40-44 5 of 6 m 32 of 79 21:24 6:53
    37 William Jones 30-34 3 of 6 m 33 of 79 21:26 6:53
    38 Joe Walsh 50-54 3 of 6 m 34 of 79 21:28 6:54
    39 R.J. Stiltenpoe 30-34 4 of 6 m 35 of 79 21:37 6:57
    40 Joseph Haggerty 30-34 5 of 6 m 36 of 79 21:43 6:59
    41 Mark Davis 35-39 8 of 12 m 37 of 79 21:48 7:01
    42 Andrew Linke 19-24 4 of 5 m 38 of 79 21:49 7:01
    43 Rylan Grady 16-18 5 of 16 m 39 of 79 21:58 7:04
    44 Brian Campbell 35-39 9 of 12 m 40 of 79 21:59 7:04
    45 Ned Clarke 45-49 6 of 8 m 41 of 79 22:03 7:05
    46 James Mayeski 13-15 3 of 9 m 42 of 79 22:04 7:06
    47 Anthony Couerrieri 0-12 1 of 2 m 43 of 79 22:10 7:08
    48 Lucie Henry 13-15 2 of 11 f 5 of 36 22:19 7:10
    49 Mikayla Ledoux 16-18 1 of 6 f 6 of 36 22:19 7:10
    50 Stephen Coan 13-15 4 of 9 m 44 of 79 22:20 7:11
    51 Ted Pankiw 16-18 6 of 16 m 45 of 79 22:33 7:15
    52 Vince Fedor 60-69 1 of 2 m 46 of 79 22:34 7:15
    53 John Giguere 40-44 6 of 6 m 47 of 79 22:38 7:17
    54 Ian McGovern 16-18 7 of 16 m 48 of 79 22:39 7:17
    55 Joe Macy 55-59 1 of 2 m 49 of 79 22:46 7:19
    56 Thomas Roney 16-18 8 of 16 m 50 of 79 22:48 7:20
    57 Matt Slocum 25-29 3 of 4 m 51 of 79 22:50 7:20
    58 Kyle Christy 13-15 5 of 9 m 52 of 79 22:51 7:21
    59 Toni Muth 45-49 7 of 8 m 53 of 79 23:08 7:26
    60 Thomas Taylor 16-18 9 of 16 m 54 of 79 23:09 7:27
    61 Tim Jurkowski 13-15 6 of 9 m 55 of 79 23:14 7:28
    62 Joey Brussell 19-24 5 of 5 m 56 of 79 23:16 7:29
    63 Ray Owen 25-29 4 of 4 m 57 of 79 23:25 7:32
    64 Megan Davis 13-15 3 of 11 f 7 of 36 23:31 7:34
    65 Kara Brussell 13-15 4 of 11 f 8 of 36 23:31 7:34
    66 Carl Jurkowski 13-15 7 of 9 m 58 of 79 23:32 7:34
    67 Corina Robbins 13-15 5 of 11 f 9 of 36 23:33 7:34
    68 Rich Hause 70+ 1 of 1 m 59 of 79 23:40 7:37
    69 Brett Smith 16-18 10 of 16 m 60 of 79 23:45 7:38
    70 Tom Cummings 35-39 10 of 12 m 61 of 79 24:04 7:44
    71 Bruce Grandjean 50-54 4 of 6 m 62 of 79 24:05 7:45
    72 Christy Grandjean 19-24 3 of 4 f 10 of 36 24:05 7:45
    73 William Steele 35-39 11 of 12 m 63 of 79 24:09 7:46
    74 Jenny O'Day 30-39 2 of 6 f 11 of 36 24:22 7:50
    75 Scott Mitchell 50-54 5 of 6 m 64 of 79 24:36 7:55
    76 Dean Blace 16-18 11 of 16 m 65 of 79 24:36 7:55
    77 Dan Plonski 16-18 12 of 16 m 66 of 79 24:49 7:59
    78 Grace Nebzydoski 13-15 6 of 11 f 12 of 36 24:51 7:59
    79 Courtney McMoran 13-15 7 of 11 f 13 of 36 25:07 8:05
    80 Mike Zoltek 16-18 13 of 16 m 67 of 79 25:18 8:08
    81 Joan Balinas 40-49 1 of 3 f 14 of 36 25:20 8:09
    82 Angie Andrechyn 16-18 2 of 6 f 15 of 36 25:29 8:12
    83 Stephanie Campbell 30-39 3 of 6 f 16 of 36 25:33 8:13
    84 Rebecca Schneyer 13-15 8 of 11 f 17 of 36 25:33 8:13
    85 David Hines 30-34 6 of 6 m 68 of 79 25:56 8:20
    86 Noah Findling 13-15 8 of 9 m 69 of 79 26:01 8:22
    87 Rich Henry 55-59 2 of 2 m 70 of 79 26:12 8:25
    88 Hayley Grunebaum 13-15 9 of 11 f 18 of 36 26:32 8:32
    89 BANDIT 27:03 8:42
    90 Ashley Myers 16-18 3 of 6 f 19 of 36 27:06 8:43
    91 Alfred Howell 60-69 2 of 2 m 71 of 79 27:06 8:43
    92 David Cohen 50-54 6 of 6 m 72 of 79 27:10 8:44
    93 Faith Loiselle 30-39 4 of 6 f 20 of 36 27:25 8:49
    94 Tracey Tankin 25-29 1 of 5 f 21 of 36 27:36 8:53
    95 Ellen Murray 16-18 4 of 6 f 22 of 36 27:41 8:54
    96 Kari Kromko 25-29 2 of 5 f 23 of 36 27:42 8:54
    97 Kelly Vinton 25-29 3 of 5 f 24 of 36 27:42 8:54
    98 Eileen O'Hora 40-49 2 of 3 f 25 of 36 28:10 9:03
    99 Arianne Slocum 25-29 4 of 5 f 26 of 36 28:35 9:12
    100 Mike Fine 16-18 14 of 16 m 73 of 79 28:35 9:12
    101 Matt Manoni 16-18 15 of 16 m 74 of 79 28:41 9:13
    102 Ed Keating 16-18 16 of 16 m 75 of 79 28:44 9:14
    103 John Naegeli 45-49 8 of 8 m 76 of 79 28:48 9:16
    104 Madison Papp 13-15 10 of 11 f 27 of 36 28:52 9:17
    105 Wendy Van Norden 25-29 5 of 5 f 28 of 36 29:19 9:26
    106 Rebecca Young 16-18 5 of 6 f 29 of 36 29:21 9:26
    107 Amber Loiselle 19-24 4 of 4 f 30 of 36 29:29 9:29
    108 Jessie Horrung 16-18 6 of 6 f 31 of 36 29:31 9:30
    109 Danielle Propkin 13-15 11 of 11 f 32 of 36 29:32 9:30
    110 Ian Phillips 13-15 9 of 9 m 77 of 79 29:35 9:31
    111 Renee Giuere 30-39 5 of 6 f 33 of 36 32:39 10:30
    112 Alycia Schwartz 40-49 3 of 3 f 34 of 36 32:51 10:34
    113 Cindy Wilcox 50-59 1 of 1 f 36 of 36 35:49 11:31
    113 Jake Martin 0-12 2 of 2 m 78 of 79 34:18 11:02
    114 Stephanie Folmar 30-39 6 of 6 f 35 of 36 34:34 11:07
    115 Karl Krause 35-39 12 of 12 m 79 of 79 34:40 11:09


    1. Kevin Bandru...........40-49   4.58:51 M
    2. Jon Wallace............19-29   5.22:63 M
    3. Eric Anderson..........40-49   5.37:10 M
    4. Kourtney Brussell......13-15   5.40:18 F
    5. Tim Shean..............40-49   5.40:57 M
    6. Erin Craig.............13-15   5.46:11 F
    7. Jay Sochoka............30-39   6.12:33 M
    8. William Jones..........30-39   6.13:45 M
    9. Tristen Church.........16-18   6.28:19 M
    10. Anthony Couerrieri....10-12   6.32:76 M
    11. Tyler Bauk............10-12   6.33:72 M
    12. William Grayson.......10-12   6.38:87 M
    13. Regan Rome............10-12   6.46:54 F
    14. Ally Rome............. 8- 9   7.01:73 F
    15. David Hines...........30-39   7.11:09 M
    16. Amanda Stern..........19-29   7.22:54 F
    17. Carly Manes...........13-15   7.43:97 F
    18. Maggie O'Day..........10-12   7.58:47 F
    19. Samantha Kalb.........13-15   8.21:62 F
    20. Logan Papp............ 8- 9   8.35:10 M
    21. Megan Couerrieri...... 0- 5   8.45:00 F
    22. Michael O'Day......... 6- 7   8.57:93 M
    23. Mackenzie Ehrhardt.... 6- 7  10.19:77 F
    24. Keely Ehrhardt........30-39  10.20:23 F
    25. Joseph Turtel......... 8- 9  10.23:52 M