| Chylak, Gaughan capture ‘Wiggle’ | |
RACE RESULTS 17:57 5:46 3:35 18:54 6:05 3:46 18:59 6:06 3:47 19:37 6:18 3:55 20:41 6:39 4:08 20:47 6:41 4:09 21:27 6:54 4:17 21:35 6:56 4:19 21:44 6:59 4:20 21:55 7:03 4:23 22:03 7:05 4:24 22:06 7:06 4:25 22:10 7:08 4:26 22:13 7:09 4:26 22:18 7:10 4:27 22:21 7:11 4:28 22:24 7:12 4:28 22:34 7:15 4:30 22:44 7:19 4:32 22:47 7:20 4:33 22:48 7:20 4:33 23:09 7:27 4:37 23:19 7:30 4:39 23:29 7:33 4:41 23:53 7:41 4:46 24:01 7:43 4:48 24:23 7:50 4:52 24:25 7:51 4:53 24:36 7:55 4:55 24:44 7:57 4:56 24:53 8:00 4:58 25:01 8:03 5:00 25:06 8:04 5:01 25:22 8:09 5:04 25:34 8:13 5:06 25:38 8:15 5:07 25:42 8:16 5:08 25:57 8:21 5:11 26:01 8:22 5:12 26:06 8:24 5:13 26:08 8:24 5:13 26:16 8:27 5:15 26:20 8:28 5:16 26:35 8:33 5:19 26:40 8:34 5:20 27:04 8:42 5:24 27:05 8:43 5:25 27:38 8:53 5:31 28:03 9:01 5:36 28:18 9:06 5:39 28:39 9:13 5:43 28:46 9:15 5:45 28:48 9:16 5:45 28:58 9:19 5:47 28:59 9:19 5:47 29:18 9:25 5:51 29:36 9:31 5:55 29:52 9:36 5:58 29:54 9:37 5:58 30:00 9:39 6:00 30:03 9:40 6:00 30:07 9:41 6:01 40:17 12:57 8:03 30:35 9:50 6:07 30:50 9:55 6:10 31:33 10:09 6:18 32:22 10:25 6:28 32:59 10:36 6:35 33:08 10:39 6:37 33:47 10:52 6:45 34:06 10:58 6:49 34:27 11:05 6:53 34:48 11:12 6:57 34:57 11:14 6:59 34:58 11:15 6:59 36:17 11:40 7:15 35:45 11:30 7:09 37:05 11:56 7:25 38:04 12:15 7:36 38:04 12:15 7:36 38:52 12:30 7:46 38:53 12:30 7:46 39:43 12:47 7:56 39:44 12:47 7:56 41:24 13:19 8:16 47:05 15:09 9:25 48:14 15:31 9:38 48:18 15:32 9:39 48:20 15:33 9:40 49:53 16:03 9:58 52:37 16:56 10:31 52:37 16:56 10:31 52:37 16:56 10:31
PACE 1 Matthew Chylak 2 Jarrett Higley 3 Michael Batyko 4 Paul O’Hora 5 Tim Nowakowski 6 Caitlin Gaughin 7 Bill Hampton 8 Len Van Orden 9 Ed Lipski 10 Todd Treat 11 Martin Reynolds 12 Noah Toussaint 13 Bianca Bolton 14 Patrick Murray 15 Rock Warnagiris 16 Kate Reilly 17 George Watson 18 Moriah Peters 19 Kevin Hilsey 20 Lee Toussaint
PACE 21 Jen Stec 22 Lindsay Nulton 23 Kaleen Lavin 24 Don Lavin 25 Michael Perrotti 26 Jodie Miller 27 Alicia Breita 28 Jeff Baran 29 Susie Davis 30 Dick Newhart 31 Darlene Gilpin 32 John Shebby 33 Morgan Manglaviti 34 Gene Butash 35 Heather McAndrew 36 Chris Bonanny 37 Ned Clarke 38 Domenic Grandinetti 39 Stan Kardish 40 Roger Savage
PACE 41 Matt Slocum 42 Tom Walski 43 Tom Gregory 44 Seth Hendershot 45 KIari Lavin 46 Andrea Rockefeller 47 Arianna Slocum 48 Kristy Rockefeller 49 Billy McAndrew 50 Pat Rogers 51 Nicolet Millett 52 Molly Palmer 53 James P. Golden 54 Francisco Flores 55 Ronald Ruda 56 Tom Reilly 57 Kara Centeroni 58 Lisa Brister 59 Keith Brosius 60 Anthony Marturano
PACE 61 Jerome Braiden 62 Frank Mazzone 63 Sean Graham 64 Valerie Kwashnik 65 Janet Garvey 66 Amy Edwards 67 Amanda Newhart, 32.22 68 Julien Madus 69 Lisa Stevens 70 Luann White 71 Laura Singer 72 Carleen Lavin 73 Braeden Cannella 74 Amy Cravath 75 Becky Landseidel 76 Betsy Jerome 77 Hope Murray 78 Tom Sergi 79 Tyler Berkhimer 80 Lynn Berkhimer
PACE 81 Callaway Madus 82 Melodie Madus 83 Annistan Jerome 84 Jeff Jerome 85 Frank Andrews 86 Dee Walski 87 Pam Cole 88 Riley Cummings 89 Sara Rozina 90 Haley Cummings 91 Samantha Baltrusaitis 92 Sarah Weisenfluh 93 A.J. Hendershot
Pace time is by mile and Kilometer. Age grading is the time you would have finished if you were in prime years and are calculated using the age-graded tables compiled by the World Association of Veteran Athletes (WAVA). This data can then be used to compare your performance with athletes of different ages or to compare your time to previous years. This time is calculated by using a formula used at- |
NEPARunner wishes to thank the Race director, its volunteers, sponsors and participants who made this event possible.